Introducing the First Omnichannel Real Estate Prospecting Tool.

Unlock the power of precision homeowner targeting with our all-in-one omnichannel solution designed specifically for real estate agents.

Bringing real estate farming into the modern AI powered era.


Imagine having the ability to pinpoint all homeowners with precise geographic targeting, ensuring you connect with the right prospects every time.

Leverage that data with proven print, email, phone and social media marketing that is hyper targeted to your select audience.

Draw on a map to identify your target area and receive:

Comprehensive Contact Information

Gain access to full contact details, including names, phone numbers, and email addresses, making your outreach efforts more effective.

Emails and Phone numbers

We provide the most current available email and phone number for each homeowner in your targeted search area.

In-Depth Property Insights

Obtain detailed property information such as purchase history, outstanding mortgages, current assessed value, and unique property characteristics.

Rich Demographic Data

Household demographics like age and income to tailor your marketing strategies to the right audience segments.

Custom Audience Lists

Create precise audience lists and target your ads on Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, and other platforms, ensuring your message reaches the right people at the right time.

Only pay for successful searches.

Property data, email & phone, demographic data and custom audience list data may each be specified a la carte so you only pay for what you need. You are only charged when we have a match, So, for example, if we cannot provide a phone or email then there is no charge for the phone/email lookup on that contact.

Unlock the Ultimate Neighborhood Directory

Imagine having a comprehensive neighborhood directory at your fingertips.

Access everyone's names, emails, and phone numbers, along with detailed home information and demographic data such as age and income range. Plus, utilize a special advertising file to precisely target your social media ads directly to homeowners in the neighborhood.

Boost your outreach and connect like never before!

Elevate your Real Estate Marketing and reach your audience in print, email, phone and social media with one solution.

Take your real estate farming to the next level and establish yourself as the recognized local leader with our comprehensive data. Reach your prospects through multiple channels, ensuring your message is heard loud and clear.

Key Features

Email Campaigns

Craft compelling email campaigns that engage and convert on a local level, specific to each neighborhood. Prepare monthly neighborhood newsletters with sales statistics, new and closed listings etc. Provide relevant content to the precise geographic audience such as a particular neighborhood. Compatible with all major CRMs and email systems.

Phone and Text Outreach

Best in class matching of prospects to current phone records allows you to contact homeowners directly by phone and text. An excellent option for circle prospecting as you let them know about a new listing you may have in the neighborhood.

Direct Mail

Naturally we provide full names, mailing addresses of all homeowners so that you can send customized mail pieces, newsletters, post cards, etc.

Precision-Targeted Social Media and Search Ads

Harness the power of social media and search advertisements to target your audience with pinpoint accuracy. Without our solution, social media platforms limit your advertisement to a very large area, By uploading the customs audience file that we provide you can run ads to a specific audience, such as all homeowners in a specific neighborhood. Therefore your ads can be hyper personalized which leads to higher engagement.

Our software empowers you to reach your customers in every sphere, solidifying your presence and influence in the local market.

Start transforming your outreach efforts and watch your business grow!
Loan Officers take note:

Although design for real estate agents to market to specific audiences, you can leverage our tools to identify prospects for reverse mortgages, refinance opportunities and more.

Nothing new to learn. Works with the systems you already know and love.


Our intuitive interface ensures you can get started quickly without any hassle. Draw a polygon on the map, confirm the number of matching properties and within a short time the files will be in your dashboard to download.

Seamless Integration

Compatible with all major CRMs, including Lofty, Follow Up Boss, KV Core, Sierra Interactive, Salesforce, Mailchimp, and virtually any CRM that supports CSV file imports.

How it Works

Effortless Data Import

Simply import our data file into your preferred CRM and continue using the email, direct mail, postcards, and other systems you already love.

Targeted Facebook Ads

Easily upload the custom audience file we provide to Facebook and run precision-targeted ads to your selected audience.

Google, LinkedIn and Other Ads

Upload the provided custom audience file to all major platforms and experience the power of hyper targeted ads.

Simple, predictable, affordable pricing.

Each map search
4 cents ($0.04)

Each time you search you'll be charged 4 cents total for the search, regardless of how many results the search contains. Whether you have 10 or 1000 results, the charge is only 4 cents.

Each property record
4 cents ($0.04)

This is what is commonly known as the public records. The owner name, address, property valuation per the county, square feet, bedrooms, bathrooms, when it was purchased, what they paid etc. Exact fields vary by county and state, but it’s usually well over 50 fields of comprehensive data on the property. This is required for each search and then you can select other add-ons.

Optional-Add Ons (select none, one or more)

Email match per property
5 cents ($0.05)

We provide the most accurate email address for the homeowner from a massive data source. You are only charged if we have a matching email.

Phone match per property
5 cents ($0.05)

We provide the most accurate phone number for the homeowner from a massive data source. You are responsible for cross referencing the Do Not Registry list and following all regulations. You are only charged if we have a match.

Custom Audience file
10 cents ($0.10)

We provide what are known as custom audience files for Facebook, Google and LinkedIn, plus a standardized format for other services, These files will allow you to target ads precisely to the homeowners in your search. Not recommended for searches with less than 250 results. This charge includes all the different custom audience files for various advertising platforms.  

Demographic Data
10 cents ($0.10)

Consumer demographic appends enable deeper understanding of your audience for better personalization, segmentation, optimization, and effective engagement. Includes Age range, Marital status, Occupation, Children in the home, Education level plus Estimated household income, Estimated net worth, Length of residence, Home value, Auto year, make, model, Mortgage & refinance amounts & dates.

Pro tip:

The custom audience files are incredibly powerful. If you need help running targeted ads let us know.